国际 students requesting admissions East Georgia State College must provide evidence of sufficient funds of at least $20,000 to cover tuition, fees, living expenses, and health insurance to qualify for a Form I-20 or Form DS-2019.  

Students must submit electronic copies of 官方 financial documents to qualify for a Form I-20 or Form DS-2019.  Screenshots and un官方 electronic printouts are not valid for the purpose of Form I-20 or Form DS-2019 issuance.  Financial documents must meet 所有 of the requirements listed below:

  • Be an 官方 bank document (signed and stamped, or an 官方 electronic monthly statement) and show professional letterhead stationery or the bank’s 官方 stamp 或者盖章
  • Be written in English or 官方ly translated into English
  • Contain an issuance date within the last 6 months
  • List the account holder’s full name
  • List the account type
  • Indicate the current balance and currency, converted to USD
  • All funds must be liquid and immediately available for withdrawal (most commonly: checking, savings, or current accounts



    Acceptable documents

    • 银行对账单
    • 债券的声明
    • Certificate of deposit
    • Government sponsorship letter
    • Loan confirmation letter
    • 共同基金
    • Scholarship letter

    Unacceptable documents

    • Credit card statement
    • Life insurance statement
    • Pension fund statement
    • Real estate documents
    • Tax return documents
    • Wage/salary statement
    • 就业 letters or Salary statement
    • Non-liquid Investments
    • Stock market statements


Keep an original financial document to take to your visa appointment and/or to present to Customs and Border Protection when entering the U.S.

Students may have more than one guarantor/source of funding. Guarantors may be parents, grandparents, other relatives, or friends. 所有担保人 must fill out a guarantor affidavit of support.

If two or more students are using the same financial documents, there must be funds available to cover the estimated educational and living
expenses of each individual. For example, twice the minimum amount required must be shown if using the same documents for two students.

If you have a scholarship/tuition waiver, subtract that amount from the total amount required to determine the amount you must document. 

If personal/family funds are insufficient and business funds must be documented, the business must provide a letter stating that the business
funds will be used to provide support for the student’s educational and living expenses in addition to the guarantor affidavit of support being signed. The letter must include:

    • 学生的名字
    • organization’s address and telephone and fax numbers
    • original signature and title of the responsible 官方
    • specific dollar amount and duration of the scholarship

要求 & 有用的材料